Post by Phantom Stargrave on Mar 10, 2011 17:54:23 GMT -5
J Michael Straczynski's retool of Wonder Woman has raised quite a few controversy among fans. Some like it, some hate it, and some think that's okay. For my part, I've enjoyed the ride, but I do understand the problems people have with it. This issue, however, has seen a considerable drop in story quality as opposed to the previous issues.
The comic deals with Wonder Woman battling the three enemies that slaughtered her sisters in the previous issue, Artemis, Giganta and Cheetah. Well, "Battling" is not exactly right. More like, "running away after you had your butt handed to you in a two minute fight".
Here we see the first and greatest problem with this issue. Diana doesn't fight. Instead she spends the majority of the issue running and trying to evade the evil trio, and generally acting very un-Wonder-Womanly (?). This scaredy cat Diana is in stark contrast with the angry, headstrong, but courageous young woman we've followed for the last 8 issues, and a very far cry from the strong, and powerful Wonder Woman we all know and love. Yeah, you can argue that she was outnumbered and overpowered and that they would have killed her, but to just have her run away and act all frightened is jarringly out of character, old or new. Wonder Woman has faced overpowering opponents before, but always stood her ground and found a way to take them down. As it is, this solution leaves a very foul taste in my mouth.
Apart from that, this issue has very little to give. There is a scene with the villainous Goddesses from earlier implying that someone else is pulling the strings, which was okay, but hardly anything special. Other than that, an old villain was introduced at the end, whom I'm very interested in seeing in the future.
... And that's about it. I like the art on the book, but it is standard and consistent with previous issues, so doesn't add or detract to it. Hopefully this was a one time thing and the quality of the story will be back to normal with the next issue.
The Good:
Art is fine... I guess.
The Bad:
This comic doesn't feature Wonder Woman. It features an impostor with none of her strength or fire.
Score: 2/10 - Bad