Team Buster Ledger
Forever, Rose
Posts: 2,435
Post by Zoom on Jul 18, 2011 18:15:20 GMT -5
Team Buster Ledger
Forever, Rose
Posts: 2,435
Post by Zoom on Jul 18, 2011 18:51:15 GMT -5
To keep things a little simplier, let's forget about the team abilities.
One important thing to notice is that Vulture doesn't have a boot to represent his speed. He's got a wing. This means that Vulture can fly and carry
Flight - This character ignores terrain for movement (so they can fly over buildings, blocking, water or hindering terrain without stopping or slowing down and if they get knocked off a building, they don't take damage), and can move adjacent to or over opposing figures without stopping.
Carry - When moving, a carrier can pick up an adjacent friendly character that isn't a flier, double base or a giant (don't worry about those last two). Subtract 2 from the carrier's speed and move as normal. After you're done moving, you can put the character you were carrying in any square adjacent to the carrier.
Now, we'll go over the powers that each character starts with so that you understand how to use your characters and what to look out for.
Power Man Green speed is Charge. Cage can move up to half his speed value and then make a close combat attack. (This works with super strength.)
Green attack is Super Strength. Cage can pick up objects by moving through them or adjacent to them. If he makes a close combat attack while carrying an object, he gets +1 to his damage if it's a light (yellow) object and +2 to damage if it's a heavy (red) object. Cage can also throw objects to make range combat attacks. Lights go 8 spaces and do 2 damage. Heavies go 6 spaces and do 3 damage.
Gray defense is Invulnerability. All damage dealt to Luke is -2. This means that nobody on my team can hurt him with regular attacks as they all have 2 damage values.
Taskmaster Black speed is Stealth. If Taskmaster is in hindering (green) terrain or there is hindering terrain between him and one of my figures, my figure can't make ranged attacks against Taskmaster.
Red attack is Blades/Fangs/Claws. When making a close combat attack, instead of doing 2 damage, Taskmaster can roll one die and deal that amount of damage instead.
Green defense is Energy Shield/Deflection. Taskmaster's defense is +2 against ranged attacks.
Spider-Man Orange speed is Leap/Climb. Spidey can ignore terrain (except walls) and figures for moment and he can attack adjacent figures that are on different elevation.
Blue attack is Incapacitate. Spidey can choose to deal no damage when making an attack (close or ranged) and instead give his target an action token.
Red defense is Super Senses. If Spidey is hit, roll a die. If the result is a 5 or 6, the attack misses.
Purple damage is Close Combat Expert. Spidey is +2 to damage while making close combat attacks.
Red speed is Flurry. You can take a power action to make two close combat attacks in one turn.
Lime defense is Combat Reflexes. +2 to close combat defense.
Blue speed is Plasticity. Spidey is +2 to break away rolls and bad guys are -2 to break away from Spidey.
Kraven Orange speed is Leap/Climb, same as Spidey's.
Orange defense is Toughness. All damage dealt to Kraven is -1.
Red damage is Range Combat Expert. Kraven gets +2 to damage for ranged attacks.
Lime damage is Exploit Weakness. When making close combat attacks, Kraven ignores damage reducers like Toughness and Invulnerability.
Electro Orange attack is energy explosion. When making a range combat attack, Electro can choose to use this power. If he does and the attack hits, Electro compares his attack roll to all characters adjacent to his target and if it would hit them, too, they take damage as well but he only deals 1 damage to each figure hit by this attack.
Dark blue attack is Psiblast/Penetrating. When making ranged combat attacks, Electro ignores damage reducers like Toughness and Invulnerability.
Brown attack is Poison. At the beginning of Electro's turn, deal one damage to every adjacent opposing character.
Mysterio Black speed is Stealth, same as Taskmaster's.
Purple attack is Smoke Cloud. Mysterio can take an action to lay down four smoke tokens within his range. Smoke tokens are hindering terrain, giving defensive bonuses, hiding stealthy characters and slowing down movement. At the beginning of his next turn, the smoke tokens are removed from the map.
Black damage is Outwit. As a free action, once per turn, Mysterio can counter (turn off) one power on one opposing character that he can see that is within 10 spaces. This is the easiest way for my team to hurt Cage.
Blue speed is Mind Control. Mysterio can make a close or ranged attack and if it hits, he doesn't do damage. Instead, give the character you hit one action as a free action. (So I can mind control Spider-Man to move somewhere or attack one of your figures.)
Vulture Remember, Vulture can fly and carry.
Green speed is Charge, same as Power Man's.
Red defense is Super Senses, same as Spider-Man's.
Purple speed is Force Blast. When next to an enemy character, roll 1 die, then knock that character backwards that many spaces. Knockback damage is dealt as usual if the character rams into a wall or falls off a building.
Doctor Octopus Orange speed is Leap/Climb, same as Spidey and Kraven's.
Purple defense is Willpower. Doc Ock doesn't take pushing damage.
Gray damage is Leadership. Doc Ock can roll a die at the beginning of his turn. On a 5 or 6, his team gets an extra action and Ock can remove an action token from a friendly character that is adjacent to him and has a lower point cost (so, Vulture or Electro only).
Yes, this is kinda complicated. You'll get used to it sooner than you think.
Team Buster Ledger
Forever, Rose
Posts: 2,435
Post by Zoom on Jul 18, 2011 18:56:10 GMT -5
Team Buster Ledger
Posts: 2,240
Post by Matezoide on Jul 19, 2011 8:02:48 GMT -5
Team Buster Ledger
Posts: 2,240
Post by Matezoide on Jul 19, 2011 13:14:44 GMT -5
question -
When using Taskmaster,is there any reason to not use his sword?
Team Buster Ledger
Forever, Rose
Posts: 2,435
Post by Zoom on Jul 20, 2011 2:51:50 GMT -5
If you're pretty sure (very sure, if you're playing online and have the dials in front of you) that 2 damage will kill your opponent but 1 damage wouldn't, you'd just not use his sword because you might roll a 1. Also, you can only use his sword at close range so if you're making ranged attacks, you're stuck with 2 damage. You normally start across from the other guy unless you're playing with more than 2 players but you know, I don't think there's a rule against starting caddy corner. Not that we're at risk of it but I'll go ahead and mention that there is a rule about no attacking any figure on your first turn if they haven't moved yet. So if you started one of your dudes within Electro's range, I couldn't just shoot you before you had a chance to move. More quick rule reminders: 1) You can't shoot through dudes unless you're above them, in which case you're really shooting over them. 2) You can't shoot if a bad guy is right next to you. 3) You gotta stop moving if you move into hindering (green) or next to one of my guys (unless you've got flight or leap/climb). 4) You only get 2 actions per turn because this is a 200 point game. 5) Moving diagonally and shooting at any angle is fair game. Anyhow, here we go. Free) Doc Ock rolls for leadership. Gets a 5 and it succeeds. I get 3 actions. 1) Kraven moves to K5. 2) Vulture picks up Doctor Octopus, subtracting 2 from his speed for the rest of the turn. He flies to K7 and puts the bad doctor down at M6 And you know what, I don't want that third action anyhow but better to roll for it and not need it than to not roll for it and decide I wanted it after all, later. I take note of everyone's remaining clicks of life, add some action tokens and then click the map link button on the top right corner of the map. Zoom 1) Kraven(6/6)@ 2) Electro(5/5) 3) Mysterio(4/4) 4) Vulture(5/5)@ 5) Doc Ock(6/6) vs Lubre 1) Spidey(8/8) 2) Taskmaster(5/5) 3) Cage(8/8) www.ianparmenter.com/hcutils/map2.jsp?map=DRO&H1=x-286y342&H2=x-441y187&H3=x-630y314&L1=x-189y93&L2=x-315y185&L3=x-508y187&f1p1=x-407y-213&f2p1=x-473y-308&f3p1=x-476y-306&f4p1=x-510y-151&f5p1=x-515y-181&f1p2=x-718y-61&f2p2=x-754y-95&f3p2=x-786y-129&t1=x-378y-355&t2=x-399y-267Your turn.
Team Buster Ledger
Posts: 2,240
Post by Matezoide on Jul 21, 2011 17:39:40 GMT -5
Team Buster Ledger
Forever, Rose
Posts: 2,435
Post by Zoom on Jul 23, 2011 1:19:59 GMT -5
Team Buster Ledger
Posts: 2,240
Post by Matezoide on Jul 23, 2011 8:08:41 GMT -5
Team Buster Ledger
Forever, Rose
Posts: 2,435
Post by Zoom on Jul 23, 2011 16:54:04 GMT -5
Team Buster Ledger
Posts: 2,240
Post by Matezoide on Jul 23, 2011 23:29:52 GMT -5
damn it,i didnt see was on close enough to attack Taskmaster....very nice,Zoom,i wasnt expecting that will post later quick question,Cage (blue 3) is on range to use his charge on Vulture,right? i am asking because,while Cage can reach Vulture with 4 moves,he would need to get through the roof where Spidey is located at (by taking the stairs and using diagonal moves),so i am not completely sure if he can reach Toomes,so.... is that path useable? imageshack.us/f/824/cageq.png/
Team Buster Ledger
Forever, Rose
Posts: 2,435
Post by Zoom on Jul 24, 2011 20:19:50 GMT -5
It isn't for two reasons.
Firstly, you have to move straight from the bottom of ladders/stairs to the top, so he can't move from the 1st square to the 2nd square you've got him moving to and you can't move from the 3rd to the 4th square.
Secondly, you have to stop moving (unless you have flight, phasing/teleport or leap/climb) when you hit hindering terrain so when Cage stands on the heavy object, he'd have to stop.
It is worth noting that you can move through your own teammates, so you can move to where Spidey is standing instead of where the heavy object is but there's no getting around that other problem.
Team Buster Ledger
Posts: 2,240
Post by Matezoide on Jul 24, 2011 21:49:10 GMT -5
Team Buster Ledger
Forever, Rose
Posts: 2,435
Post by Zoom on Jul 25, 2011 2:10:09 GMT -5
There's no way for Cage to get to K10 from his starting spot without picking up the light object, first. If he doesn't pick up the light object, he has to stop when he moves onto the hindering terrain at L11 (objects are destroyable, carryable hindering terrain). He has enough speed to go around and use the other ladder, but he'd have to stop once he moved to M8 because you have to stop when you move adjacent to an opposing character.
Leap climbers like Spidey and fliers like Vulture ignore these rules but they're slowing down Cage.
Much as I think it's kinda stupid, there's currently no mechanic for putting down an object and you can't carry more than one object at a time so you'd be stuck with the weaker weapon.
Team Buster Ledger
Posts: 2,240
Post by Matezoide on Jul 25, 2011 7:57:49 GMT -5
damn...well,living and learning,if i pick up the light object,will Cage have to stop moving?
Team Buster Ledger
Forever, Rose
Posts: 2,435
Post by Zoom on Jul 26, 2011 20:00:45 GMT -5
Nope. Once you pick up an object, it's no longer terrain so it can't stop you. You can pick up objects that are next to you or that you're standing on. The only time it'd effect your speed is if you pick up an object you're standing on, you still half your movement.
Team Buster Ledger
Posts: 2,240
Post by Matezoide on Jul 27, 2011 7:23:06 GMT -5
Team Buster Ledger
Forever, Rose
Posts: 2,435
Post by Zoom on Jul 27, 2011 10:58:27 GMT -5
Free) Doc Ock rolls leadership. (1 die) Needs a 5, gets a 3, so it fails. 1) Mysterio tries to break away. (1 die) Needs a 4, gets a 2 so he stays where he is and gets an action token. Free) Mysterio outwits Spider-Man's close combat expert. 2) Vulture picks up Doc Ock and uses charge. In heroclix, you always replace (half your speed for carry, borrow defense through the defend power, borrow attack through the Sinister Six team ability) before you modify (-2 speed for carrying, +2 damage for ranged combat expert, etc) so we half Vulture's speed to a 5 and modify it by -2 for a 3 square charge. Vulture goes to O5, putting Octopus at P4. He'll try to hit Spidey. (2 dice) 8 vs 17. Needs a 9, gets a 10. That's a hit but Spidey has super senses. (1 die) Needs a 5, gets a 5 so Spidey dodges and takes no damage. Zoom 1) Kraven(6/6) 2) Electro(5/5) 3) Mysterio(4/4)@ 4) Vulture(5/5)@ 5) Doc Ock(6/6) vs Lubre 1) Spidey(8/8)@ (CCE outwitted) 2) Taskmaster(5/5) 3) Cage(8/8)@ w/LO www.ianparmenter.com/hcutils/map2.jsp?map=DRO&H1=x-286y342&H2=x-441y187&H3=x-630y314&L1=x-189y93&L2=x-315y185&L3=x-477y121&f1p1=x-407y-213&f2p1=x-628y-308&f3p1=x-415y-212&f4p1=x-414y-212&f5p1=x-417y-243&f1p2=x-346y-310&f2p2=x-629y-150&f3p2=x-478y-153&t1=x-324y-386&t2=x-409y-228&u1=x-287y-350&u2=x-342y-346
Team Buster Ledger
Posts: 2,240
Post by Matezoide on Jul 27, 2011 13:44:19 GMT -5
poor Ock,he never gets his leadership thing working *prepare turn*
Team Buster Ledger
Posts: 2,240
Post by Matezoide on Jul 27, 2011 16:07:19 GMT -5
1) Taskmaster shoots Kraven with an arrow (Hawkeye style) 11 vs 16,needs a 5,throw the 2 dices,gets a 5. Taskmaster shoots the arrow perfectly,but Kraven manages to partialy evade it and suffers just a scratch to the face, takes 1 damage (instead of two due to his ability) Action token for Taskmaster 2) Power Man takes one damage by moving again,uses charge,gets to M-6 and attacks Mysterio 9 vs 15,needs a 6,gets a 5 (damn it!),Mysterio jumps out of the way and Power Man's weapon breaks upon hitting a wall,Cage cant move for the next turn Zoom 1) Kraven(5/6) 2) Electro(5/5) 3) Mysterio(4/4)@ 4) Vulture(5/5)@ 5) Doc Ock(6/6) vs Lubre 1) Spidey(8/8)@ (CCE outwitted) 2) Taskmaster(5/5) @ 3) Cage(7/8)@ w/LO www.ianparmenter.com/hcutils/map2.jsp?map=DRO&H1=x-286y342&H2=x-441y187&H3=x-630y314&L1=x-189y93&L2=x-315y185&L3=x-443y35&f1p1=x-407y-213&f2p1=x-628y-308&f3p1=x-415y-212&f4p1=x-414y-212&f5p1=x-417y-243&f1p2=x-346y-310&f2p2=x-629y-150&f3p2=x-445y-239&t1=x-324y-386&t2=x-373y-316&t3=x-607y-223&u1=x-287y-350&u2=x-342y-346cant believe it,just lost my chance to one-shot Mysterio AND took damage